Wasp control and wasp nest removal

Remove Various Wasp Colonies

City & Country Pest Control specializes in safe and effective removal of wasps.

There are a few flying insects that tend to be confused and commonly referred to as wasps. Those include the actual wasp, most commonly in our area the yellow jacket wasp, a bee and a hornet. The hornets are generally a lot bigger than the wasps, can be double the size of a wasp, or bigger and are not a common occurance. Most people never get to see a hornet. Bees are more common backyard visitors, but they usually just go about their own business polinating plants by collecting nectar from the bloosoms to make honey. It’s the wasp that tends to be the unwanted intruder, that gets into drinks and food people try enjoy at oudoor get togethers.

Although wasps may be useful in eliminating other insects, they do not provide the useful service of polinating plants like the bees do. A wasp nest could vary in size and the location. A lot of time we see wasp nests hanging from a tree branch, but the wasp nest could be located inside a tree trunk, in the ground, or inside a structure, including a roof, or a wall of a home.

If threatened wasps will attack and sting. Another major difference between a wasp and a bee is that unlike the bees that can only sting once, the wasps can sting multiple times. Wasp sting is very painful and causes swelling around the sting area. Some people experience severe allergic reactions following a wasp sting and require medical attention. In extreme cases wasp sting can in fact be deadly. It is very important to be careful when consuming canned beverages outdoors, as in some cases a person could accidently drink a wasp, that drowned inside the pop can, and get stung on the inside of the mouth, or the throat.

Outdoor wasp colonies and their nests are relatively easy to deal with, although protective suits and face masks are recommended when trying to exterminate them.

Wasp colonies and their nests inside homes and buildings are more difficult to deal with. The nest could be too high up, out of reach, or out of sight. A wasp nest could be built inside a wall of a home, with only a little hole between the bricks used by the wasps as an entrance and exit. If a wasp nest inside a wall of a home is suspected City and Country Pest Control recommends using a specialized service. If the single entrance / exit is compromised, the wasps may find their way inside the home. Wasps can chew trough wood and we’ve seen them find their way into ducts and enter bedrooms through air vents.

City and Country Pest Control staff are equiped with proper safety gear including protective suits and face mask, so they can safely access contaminated areas and asses the danger caused by wasps. We will inspect your property do determine whether in fact you do have wasp problem in your home. We will determine points of entry. We will safely and effectively exterminate all wasps from your property by using safe and effective products and techniques. We will make sure that the products used are safe for the home owners and their pets.

Once all wasps have been safely and effectively removed from your property, we’ll make recommendations for preventing the same problem from happening again in the future.

Although wasps are not active during the winter months as most of them die, a queen wasp may still reside and hybernate in the abandoned nest. If not removed, the nest could become a home to a new colony in the spring. If you know you have a wasp nest in your home, winter might be a good time to treat it, or remove it.

Call City & Country Pest Control today at 905 455 1102, or toll free at 1 866 255 9455. We are here to help and to make sure your quests are not pests.